Freitag, 14. März 2008

0803-10 / Die SHOAH an den Palästinensern hat begonnen

Due to English-speaking readers, I will maintain English text, whenever it presents - and translate essential messages.

Man kann auch ohne Waffen töten:
One also can exterminate a population without using weapons:

Der Originalartikel bei Uruknet:

March 13, 2008They have no choice: Israeli blockade has cut
the provisions of chlorine to disinfect the water. Those who can't afford to buy
bottled water have to drink that poison or die of dehydratation.

An affected mother described the effects:
Our kidneys and
stomachs hurt, but I don't have means to buy mineral water. We are compelled to
drink this water that is totally undrinkable.

Original article at Rebelión (in
Spanish).In relation with this crime and similar ones in the occupied Golan
Heights, the Scottish Palestine Solidarity Campaign is promoting an
international boycott to Eden Springs (an Israeli bottled water multinational, that sells in many European

Die Menschen in Paästina haben kein Geld um Mineralwasser zu kaufen. Israel liefert kein Clor mehr zur Desinfektion. Und abkochen können die Palästinenser auch ihr Wasser nicht mehr, da es an Brennmaterial fehlt.

Also bleibt nur die Wahl: entweder zu verdursten - oder unsauberes Wasser zu trinken und an Cholera oder schlicht Dysenterie zu sterben.

Welches Wort benutzte doch der israelische Vize-Verteidigungsminister Matan - S H O A H ?

Matan Vilnai drohte mit der Shoah - die Möglichkeit, Wasser nicht mehr zu desinfizieren ist eines der Mittel der Shoah !

Und hier noch Kommentare, die die Zerrissenheit zeigen - aber das zu wissen ist in geMerkels Despoten-Staat Deutschland wohl verboten:


March 14, 2008 at 12:19 pm (Current
, Israel, Occupation, Palestine)

When a rabbi preaches hate or genocide against
Palestinians, nothing is done. Even if the rabbi in question is one of the Chief
Rabbis of Israel, he is permitted to twist the doctrines of the Jewish people’s
Holy Books and say the opposite of what is written in those Books…
But when
a rabbi takes the side of the Palestinians, when he lives by the Words of those
texts and points out what is wrong in Israeli society he winds up in jail. In
effect, Israel has outlawed Judaism….

Police arrest rabbi for ‘inciting Palestinians’ in
East Jerusalem

Israel Police
on Thursday arrested Arik Ascherman, the executive director of Rabbis for Human
Rights, for “inciting Palestinians to oppose the police” in East Jerusalem.

Heated tensions between residents of the
Silwan village in East Jerusalem and the Israel Police erupted over excavation
works that have recently began in the village. The excavations are being carried
out by the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) and are sponsored by Elad
association, which promotes the “Judaization” of East Jerusalem.

Silwan residents say the excavation work is
being carried out directly underneath their homes, and have proceeded to set up
a demonstration tent on a private lot belonging to one of the village residents.
A few confrontations subsequently broke out, and the residents maintained that
the police deliberately harassed them.

On Wednesday another spat occurred between
the local residents and settlers on behalf of Elad, and the police detained
Ascherman for questioning.

The police requested that Ascherman promise
to stay away from Silwan for 15 days and upon his refusal to oblige, he was
arrested and will be brought in front of a judge Friday for his remand to be

Ascherman’s attorney on Thursday said the
investigator had accused her client, a well-known human rights’ activist, of
encouraging Palestinians to oppose police forces, and also of preventing the
evacuation of a wounded settler to hospital.

The attorney further stated that Ascherman
adamantly denies the allegations.
“This is a ridiculous arrest,” his attorney
said. “In the past, the court has refused to adhere to police demands for
issuing restraining orders against Israeli activists in Silwan.”

1 Comment

Terry Gabrich said,
March 14, 2008 at
6:29 pm
Since when is Judaism outlawed in Israel.
Judaism is Israel. The Jews go by the Talmud which sprews out hate. They do not
go by the Tora because the Tora is a part of the Bible, and the Jews hate the
Bible and Jesus Christ. If you lived in Israel; you would have to be a jew. In
other words, you would have to be a part of the Jewish religion. There is no
such thing as a Jewish race. Judaism is a hate and racist religion that came out
of Babylon. Judaism and the jews, are Babylon the Great. In the near future, God
will destroy Babylon the Great. When a Rabbi (Pharisee) speaks up for the
Palestinians; he is giving disinformation. He is a jew, and does not like the
Palestinians. The Jews are destroyers; they even say so, and their Holy book the
Talmud expresses this sentiment. Judaism is alive and well in

Also, wenn zwei sich streiten, da werde ich mich doch nicht einmischen. Deutschland hatte man verurteilt wegen 6 Millionen Holocaust Opfern. In den Synagogen wird von viel viel niedrigeren Ziffern gesprochen. Dies entlastet zwar nicht von der Schuld - aber läßt den Verdacht aufkommen, daß mit der falschen Ziffer ein bestimmter Zweck erreicht werden sollte. WER steckte also dahinter?

If two persons debate, I won't disturb them. Germany had been condemned because of 6 million holocaust-victims. However in synagoges it is said, that by far the real figure is lower. It doesn't lift off guilt - but it can be supposed, that a certain result was intended to obtain in falsificating the figure. To whom it deserved?

Rumpelstilz 14-3-2008

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